Hello and welcome dear Visitor!

My name is Babinsky Thomas born in 1988 Würzburg, Germany. This is my site of the internet, presenting some basic pages build with a python framework and plain webtechniques.
So I was born in Würzburg but raised in Retzbach, a small village nearby booth located at the bank of Main river. Jokingly people could say that i actualy startet at Main : ] - I got my first personal computer in 2002 and after school I comitted an apprenticeship as It-Businessman where I learned about programming with vba, classic vb, c and abap. Following this I had to do some more years of school to get the admission for university. Finally got there I started studying common computer science but later changed to the field of human-computer-systems/interaction where I graduaded a bachelor of science degree. Comparing its study subject to pure computer science, MCS/HCI is especially focused on interface design, usability and human factors. Well we also had technical courses with Java and Scala.
My bachelor thesis is about the curious topic 'Evaluation of a burochair for interrupting prolonged sitting periods' based on a modified burochair with a preasure sensor in the seat and a vibration module in the backrest, signaling the seating that its time for some activity. You can download a copy here. Beware, it is written in german.

As I am obviously a tech enthusiast I may state here publicly that I regard planned obsolesence as bad. So many pieces of subtly ingenuity were build shitty on purpose to earn ongoing money. Just build things as nice as possible.

Also I am the creator of eily-app.com and birthdayapp.eu.

For contact me please send to thomas@babinsky.email

Thomas Babinsky - Mai 4. 2021